Instant Pot

We’ve been hearing of this for quite a while, and then on a youtube video, saw where this thing makes for easy peeling FRESH hard boiled eggs.  Older eggs are generally easier to peel, but with freshly laid eggs coming in daily, we have been looking for a way to easy peel boiled eggs that…

Salsa Sunday

With lots of snow on the ground this morning, it was clearly a day to be indoors.  So Salsa Sunday. First up in the food processor, onion, garlic, jalapeño peppers and a few spices. Then added to the pot for cooking.   Next up the tomatoes, peeled and ready for processing. After processing, the tomatoes…

Canning Pears

Our Uncle has a number of pear trees behind his house. The production this year more than he could use himself, so gave a lot of pears to us. What to do with them was the question. More than we would eat while they were fresh, so decided to put them to better use. Some…