Fiber Internet Is Here

After much anticipation, fiber internet is finally here. Once the fiber was put into the orange pipe and tested, they determined the fiber was defective, so had to pull it all out and blow new fiber cable in. This time the signal was satisfactory, but the line from the box by the road and our…

Canning Pears

Our Uncle has a number of pear trees behind his house. The production this year more than he could use himself, so gave a lot of pears to us. What to do with them was the question. More than we would eat while they were fresh, so decided to put them to better use. Some…

The House becomes a Home

For our goals, we decided on downsizing from the monster 4 bedroom, two story, two car garage home we had before. We wanted something smaller, less to keep clean, less to heat in the winter and less to cool in the summer. So we purchased a modular home of 1320 square feet, about half of…

Foundation for Home

Getting the concrete foundation down after clearing the ground was next. Trenches for water, electric, and sewer were all put in place, fill and base to bring it up to level, and thick and strong enough to support the weight of our home when it set on the foundation.   Views: 84

Fiber Internet is Coming

After what has seemed like a long wait following the telco announcement about fiber internet, the construction has started. Thinking is around the end of the year before service will actually be available. Looking forward to internet speeds fast enough that the connection doesn’t time out before the photo is uploaded to the site. Views:…